2016 Small Business Best Practices
In this cheat sheet for success, we’ll tackle both tactics (small tweaks and new programs) as well as strategies (big changes and new structures) to help you build your smallbiz this 2016.
Profit equals smart, not necessarily hard, work.
We’re sure you’re ready to explore and try new things to build your brand, for a more competitive and robust year. Let’s begin.
Surely, the Why is the easier question. Some of you might simply answer, “It’s time!”, or “I want higher profitability and my business is ready for it.” Take a look at some hallmarks below, identifiers of growth opportunities:
- Clamor from your customer base to cater to a different location, with an increase in referrals.
- You’re getting tons of leads without an aggressive program
- Your workload has doubled, tripled from when you started
- You’ve been profitable for at least 4 years, with a strong staff of dedicated employees armed with tried-and-tested workflows
- Your market is growing
- Customers are requesting you to add supplemental products or services
Identifying your motivation for growth will help you naviagate this cheat sheet properly, to either scroll down to the TACTICS SECTION (small tweaks in your small business) or skip to the STRATEGY SECTION (bigger changes that cover your business structure and operations).
REMINDER: Before delving into this cheat sheet, you should have accomplished your SWOT, as always, to correctly gauge where it is most cost-efficient and aligned with your goals and where you are right now in your small business. Properly managing the direction you’re going to take is key in ensuring that you are successful and your tactics or strategies are sustainable. Strain is never good when implementing action points—learn how to differentiate strain with best efforts!
Thanks for dropping by, and hooroo for now!
Ink splat,